05/22/22 Rooted in Christ - Chris White

“Rooted in Christ”

Colossians 2.6-15

1. Paul wanted people to come to Christ, and he wanted people to __________________________________________ in Christ.

2. Coll 2.15 Jesus “____________________” over them in his crucifixion.

Some self-help plans from N.T. times still threaten today:

Special _____________________Plan Coll.2.16

“Let no man therefore judge you in respect of a feast day or a new moon or a Sabbath day:…”

Special ________________________Plan  Coll 2.16

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink…”

The Special ________________Plan (Have you had an experience?) Coll 2.17

“Let no man rob you of your prize…dwelling in the things which he hath [l]seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind…”,

The Special ___________Plan 

Coll.2.21—“Handle not, nor taste, nor touch…”

4. Coll 2.13 “And you, being ______________through your trespasses”

God did it—not a correction but a new _________.

5. “Together with him…” His righteousness is ________________to us—we get his report card!

6. Coll 2.13-14 “…having __________the bond written in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us: and he hath taken it out of the way…”

7. He not only blotted out our sin, he placed the futility of the enemy on _____________. 

John 12.26-32 “I will be lifted ______and I will cast him _________…”

8. Every time a person is baptized, a power play occurs, in which Satan is forced to release one and acknowledge the ___________ over him.