08/21/22 New Testament Church Organization - Chris White

New Testament Church Organization

The Roll and Qualifications of Church Leadership


1. There is always a ____________________ of elders. Never a head bishop or a head elder.

2. There are six interchangeable terms:  Elders, ___________, ____________, ____________ , ____________ and pastors.

3. The H.S. made the Ephesian Elders ___________________. Acts 20.28

4. 3 Leadership qualities of an Elder: apt to _______________, holds to faithful ________________________, not a novice.

5. Grave means: ______________________________ minded.

6. Does “without reproach” mean perfection?

7. “Good testimony from without” even outsiders think __________________________________________ of him.

8. “Just”--is he ___________________________ with people?

9. An elder should be spiritually minded.  Yes / No