03/27/22 Ukraine, Russia, and the End of the World - Chris White

Ukraine, Russia, Matt. 24 and the End of the World

  1. Before Jerusalem is destroyed there are ______________ signs given. (5, 10, 7, 12 or 40?)

a. False _________________________________ Matt.24.5 Ax.5.36-3

b. Famines, wars and _____________________________Matt.24. 6-7

c. ____________________________________________ Matt.24.8-12

Cf Acts 12.1-3, 2 Tim.4.7-8,  2 Corinthians 11.24-25 and v. 32

d. The gospel will be preached in the whole world and then ______________________________________will fall Matt.24.14

Colossians 1.23

We should preach the gospel; but not so that __________ will come.

e.  The ________________________________ of desolation Matt.24.15

2. Matt.24 (at this point in the chapter) is about the destruction of: 

a. USSR  b. Ukraine    c. Jerusalem d. USA

3. Matthew 24.16 when the abomination happens the disciples were to flee to the ____________________________________________.

If Matt.24 is talking about the 2nd coming why would a Christian flee from that? _____________________________________________

4. Matthew 24.36 “That day”

   Concerning “that day” ___________ signs will be given (5, 10, 7,12, 40 or 0?)

5. Matt 24.42 the keyword is __________________________________.